Artist Mikhail Khodzhayants was born in Leningrad (now Sankt Petersburg),Russia, but his young years he spent on shores of Caspian Sea, from where he got the most of his artistic impressions.
Mikhail moved to USA in 1992 as a political refugee, because of the ethnic conflict in Baku, where he used to live before. California and it’s pearl San Diego became his second motherland.
San Diego surroundings and nature gave him a new impulse for creativity. Mikhail works on series of San Diego landscapes. At the same time, he is developing his own unique style which combines ultimate simplicity and expressivity. "Misha's style",-says the artist with the smile.
"The eternal and unquenchable source of the inspiration is the beauty around us",-says Mikhail, -"my goal is to awake people's imagination, not to give them photographic image of the reality or make them to feel awkward by offering abstract interpretations"
" My goal is to share my feeling of admiration towards the mystery of life!"
Mikhail considers himself as a disciple of great masters of art, such as Picasso, Leger and Van Gogh, of course.
The art of Mikhail Khodzhayants carries enormous amount of positive energy and optimism. It seems to tell us to believe, to hope and to love. Probably that's why they call him Artist of Joy.